In the heart of the ancient Florence, near “Piazza del Duomo” and “Piazza delle Signorie”, Borghese Palace Isone of the most significative example of Neo-classic architecture of the state capital, Florence. Even if its facade is majestic, this palace could seem hidden by the strict road. But once you come in, the beauty and the elegance are dazzling: the large honour salon brings to the Mirrors’ Room , that was the bedroom of Paolina Bonaparte. The last restoration of 1994 brought the palace to its original beauty, and it has also been provided of all the necessary comfort to become a prestigious place for meetings and events. Borghese Palace has been built in just six months in 1821, including the Neo-classic buildings already existing, basing on the project of Gaetano Baccani made for the Prince Camillo Borghese. It is the location of the Borghese Club, and at the noble floor, of the “Stampa’’. The external part of the building is characterized by a painted tabernacle that show a holy virgin with child, by Giuseppe Bezzuoli, and, in front of it we can see the Saint Procopio Church, straight form the III century, that still isn’t officiate…

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